Further processing
From thawing, shaping, mechanical separation,
constant weight cutting, weighing and sorting.
One of the new big steps of our company is the field of further processing.
Our company is now the exclusive representative in Greece of two valuable further processing companies.
These are PROVISUR with meat processing activity and MARELEC with main activity the cutting of constant weight and the sorting of meat, poultry and fish.
PROVISUR is a group of companies,
created by the acquisition of branded companies in the field of meat processing such as
to offer complete solutions to the needs of the industry.
The main categories of the company's machines are:
Grinding - Mixing
Tenderness - Marinating
Frying - Cooking
Cooling - Freezing
Cutting Machines
Mechanical separation (MDM)
Provisur helps customers deliver value through new product applications, higher performance, advanced hygiene design, work-saving automation and more.
MARELEC Food Technology has been active in the food processing industry since 1983
They design and manufacture fixed weight cutting systems - length or a combination of both, weighing and sorting with high precision control for the fishing and food industry.
Its machines are divided into the following applications:
Fixed weight cutting - length or both
Flow balance
Performance software
Robust construction, high-speed precision and the experience of people who can provide personalized solutions to each of our partners, are the key elements that allow the company to outperform the competition.
Η SCHOMAKER εξειδικεύεται στις ειδικές κατασκευές με μηχανές περιτυλίγματος, συστήματα μαριναρίσματος και μηχανήματα με σύστημα επικάλυψης για ξηρά βότανα, συστήματα υγρής επικάλυψης και παναρίσματος, φριτέζες και φούρνους μαγειρέματος, συστήματα ψύξης και ψεκασμού που εκτείνονται σε ειδικά συστήματα τροφίμων και συστημάτων μεταφοράς.
Η μακροχρόνια τεχνογνωσία τους, τα υψηλά πρότυπα ποιότητας και οι πολλαπλές ικανότητές τους ανταποκρίνονται σε όλες τις απαιτήσεις και σύνθετες εργασίες σας.
Through a series of new partnerships, our company can now provide all the necessary technical support for installation, maintenance and even repair, for all the machines we offer.
Our goal is for the customer to feel safe and for our machines to offer their maximum capacity while maintaining unquestionable quality.
We are determined to continue the tradition of our long-term company and to use to our advantage the experience of more than 30 years that we are active, ready to meet the needs of tomorrow.